Magha Puja Day 2015, March 4th, Offering Lights to Brighten Your Life
Magha Puja Day is one of the most important Buddhist holy days in Thailand. Each of the 30,000 Buddhist temples across the nation holds its own ceremony to mark the occasion. The ceremony at Wat Phra Dhammakaya is one of the largest held in Thailand.
Getting to Know Wat Phra Dhammakaya
From no land to a large tract of land From fallow fields to a graceful Buddhist temple From 1 Bhikku to tens to hundreds to a thousand and increasing From 100 laypeople to 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 and 1 million in the future
ข่าววัดพระธรรมกาย "วันมาฆบูชา สาธุชนเนื่องแน่น"
สื่อทั้งในและนอกประเทศลงข่าววันมาฆบูชา วันพุธที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ.2558 ณ วัดพระธรรมกาย จ.ปทุมธานี
Schedule of the Dhammachai Dhutanga (2nd – 31st January 2015)
The 106th Birthday Anniversary of Master Nun Chand Khonnokyoong
“Khun Yai” Chand Khonnokyoong was born on January 20, 1909, in Nakorn Chaisri, a rural municipality of Thailand. She was the fifth of nine children in the family. Her father, Ploy, and mother, Pan, were rice farmers.
Kathina – The Splendid Robe Offering Ceremony Sunday, 2 November 2014 at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand
Kathina Robe Offering is a wonderful Buddhist tradition that has been preserved for over 2500 years since the Lord Buddha’s time.
The Dhutanga to Celebrate the Lord Buddha’s Relics Being Enshrined at Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya on Saturday 6th December 2014
The Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya is being constructed with the contemporary Buddhist style and its shape similar to that of a lotus which is recognized as a symbol of the establishment of Buddhism and the enlightenment of Lord Buddha. The Cetiya is around 15 meters in height. It is located in the same land as the Kanchanaburi Youth Training Center which will be used for the moral training and meditation practice of monks, novices, laymen and youths who live in Kanchanaburi and nearby provinces.
Construction for Ban Khun Cetiya Begins
On 16th November 2014 (2557 B.E.), over a thousand hill tribe people gathered at Wat Ban Khun, Chiangmai, for the construction of the new cetiya. This cetiya will be a sacred place of worship for the hill tribes and will help preserve Buddhism in this area for many, many years to come.
ถึงจะท่องจำตำราได้น้อย แต่ประพฤติชอบธรรม
ถึงจะท่องจำตำราได้น้อย แต่ประพฤติชอบธรรม ละราคะ โทสะ และโมหะได้ รู้แจ้งเห็นจริง มีจิตหลุดพ้น
Kathina - The Splendid Robe Offering Ceremony Sunday, 2 November 2014 at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand
Kathina is a special event to accumulate tremendous merits that Buddhists eagerly look forward to each year. It is one of the more difficult merits to perform as compared to other merits due to the following reasons.